Tuesday, January 14, 2014

New Gay Series To Pay Tribute to Sixteen Candles and Other Awesome John Hughes Movies

Book Cover by Perie Wolford
03/03/2014 is the day when I’m gonna be releasing my new Gay YA Romance series >>> TURNING 16

After watching the awesome Sixteen Candles movie for about 500 times, and I’m not kidding there, I have decided to create a story in the approximately same setting or as close to it as I could get without hurting the atmosphere there was in the movie. I’ve been waiting for years for the right plot idea to come around and now I think I finally found one. I am very excited about this book for three reasons a) it carries on the Sixteen Candles atmosphere and yet is different enough to be considered new b) it is set in the 80es which I think were awesome c) it is my first gay book ever as I finally decided to step away from science fiction for a moment J

Blurb: Sam never liked his birthdays because not a single one of them was happy... When he turned 1, he fell face-down into his birthday cake; when he turned 5, he broke his left arm and when he turned 7, he broke his right arm and his left leg; when he turned 12, his house caught fire. Now Sam is about to turn 16 and he is dreading the day. The only birthday wish he has is for Jake who is the Mr. Popular of Arcadia High to even acknowledge his existence, or better yet give him a happy-birthday kiss.
But Sam knows that it’s not gonna happen. Or is it?

Disclaimer: The plot of the books substantially varies from the John Hughes movies and all the references to the movies are made as a tribute to their awesomeness.

Hope you will enjoy reading this book as much as I am enjoying writing it.



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